About GSC

The creation of the Gandhi Study Circle (GSC) at the College is a praiseworthy initiative that aims to optimise the educational results and cultivate a comprehensive learning atmosphere. With its diverse programmes and well planned events, the GSC acts as a catalyst for change, inspiring students to have a deep intellectual awakening. Adopting the philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi, this centre breaks through traditional thinking, exploring interdisciplinary topics from career obstacles to social outliers, and developing a group of socially conscious people who can bring about constructive change.

The propagation of Gandhi's ageless message of nonviolence, peace, and sustainability is fundamental to the GSC's mission. Mahatma Gandhi's achievements are not only significant but also priceless because of his enduring legacy in the annals of human civilization and his indelible mark on Indian society. As defenders of Gandhi's principles, the GSC aims to enlighten students' thoughts and cultivate in them a comprehensive understanding of his philosophy.

Gandhian philosophy does, in fact, have enduring relevance that inspires future generations to uphold the values of social justice, compassion, and truth. In a world when conflict and violence are on the rise, it is critical to instill Gandhian principles in the minds of tomorrow's rising stars. The origins of the GSC resonate within this particular setting, acting as a light of illumination amid the general turmoil of modern society.

Through the promotion of self-reflection and moral integrity, the GSC honours Gandhi's remarkable legacy while simultaneously developing a group of compassionate leaders equipped to face the challenges of the contemporary world with courage and composure. In summary, the creation of the GSC represents a paradigm change in the field of education, demonstrating the enduring value of Gandhi's teachings and their critical role in creating a future that is more just and peaceful.

View Details
GSC Annual Report (2023-24)
S.No. Name Link
1 National seminar on “One Earth One Family One Future India's G20 Presidency and Global Solutions through Indian Civilizational Values” view
2 Webinar on “Relevance of Mahatma Gandhi's thoughts in Present Time” view
3 Webinar on “Uncovering National Memory: Jallianwala Massacre and Baisakhi” view
GSC Annual Report (2022-23)
S.No. Name Link
1 Team Members view
2 Cleanliness Drive on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti view
3 Seminar on “Non-Violence: Gandhi and Tulsi” view
4 Yoga Session to Commemorated Gandhiji’s Birth Anniversary view
GSC Annual Report (2020-21)
S.No. Name Link
1 GSC Annual Report (2019-20) view
2 GSC Annual Report (2018-19) view
3 GSC Annual Report (2017-18) view
4 GSC Annual Report (2016-17) view