Innovation Council: SLC established Innovation Council (IC) under MHRD's Innovation Cell, an initiative launched in November of 2018. The primary mandate of Innovation Cell, MHRD is to encourage, inspire and nurture young students by supporting them to work with new ideas. SLC's Innovation Council works towards inculcating the spirit of innovation among students, and develop a start-up ecosystem. In IC, SLC students participate in mentoring sessions, workshops and innovative idea competitions. Since its inception, the IC, SLC has produced and developed very promising startup ideas such as Sajagta, Steam Power generator, Infollege, and Abhikalpana etc. The IC, SLC faculty members (4) have successfully completed the Ambassador Training Programme conducted by Innovation Cell, MHRD and it has received 2 stars since its establishment.
MHRD IC organized a POCs Participation and Regional Mentoring Session in a total of 12 cities of India, with the U.P. Uttarakhand and Delhi regions' one being organized by the Netaji Subhash University is Technology (NSUT), Dwarka, New Delhi. 6 students of Shyam Lal College with their 4 of the most promising startup ideas, namely Sajagta, Steam Power generator, Infollege, and Abhikalpana, attended the session under the supervision of teacher mentors.
The members of Innovation Council of Shyam Lal College visited the hub of Design Innovation Centre (DIC), University Of Delhi on 04/03/2020 under the guidance of faculty members. The purpose of the visit was to see the various product development activities, with a view to consider possible implementation of some of the activities at our own institute and promote a culture of innovation and creative problem solving. As a part of the visit, the members received knowledge about the way students carry out different projects, the challenges they faced in their paths etc.
The Innovation Council of Shyam Lal College, University of Delhi organized a virtual speaker session on 9th May 2020. This webinar titled 'Navigation Through Entrepreneurship', had Ms. Tanya Kapoor, a Mentor at Atal Innovation Mission, as the keynote speaker. The Webinar had its focus on how founders, students and sometimes even mentors have many misconceptions regarding entrepreneurship. Discussions went on clarifying a plethora of sub-topics such as Entrepreneurship vs.Intrapreneurship, Scope of Agripreneurship after COVID-19 pandemic, Women Entrepreneurship, and more.
Report on Navigation through Entrepreneurship
- Mentoring-Innovation Council
- Webinar report IIC
The following Leadership Talk series are organized by Innovation Cell, MHRD, GOI. The talks were attended by all the student and faculty members of the Innovation Council of Shyam Lal College.
The Centre for skill development, SLC in collaboration with Innovation council organized an International Workshop on "Lessons for Skill Development: European Perspective" on 8th January, 2020 at SLC Board room. The resource person for the workshop was Prof. Slagjana Stojanovska, Integrated Business Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Macedonia. The event started with auspicious lamp lighting by the guest of honor, principal sir and the fellow faculty of the college. Dr. Rabi Narayan Kar, principal SLC addressed the gathering with his words of wisdom and presented a token of gratitude to the guest of honor. Dr. Kavita Arora, conevnor, CSD felicitated principal sir.
Then Prof. Slagjana Stojanovska started with her talk about the European model of skill development. She talked about her vast experience in the field of industry and academics specializing in marketing management strategies, project management. Then she discussed about the startup culture in her university and how a business student their needs to float their company and liquidate the same which gives them practical experience about a company formation. The workshop had a rich inquisitive discussion with Prof. Slagjana Stojanovska, faculty members and students got to learn a lot from the guest speakerThe session ended with a quick question- answer round from students and the faculty. Dr. Kavita Arora, Convenor, CSD presented the final vote of thanks to conclude the workshop.

The Innovation Council of SLC organized a workshop on ICT (Information and communication
Technology). The workshop was conducted by Dr. Meera Sharma, Assistant professor, Department of
computer science, Swami Shraddhanand College, Delhi University.
The Information and communication technology has become one of the economic development pillars
to gain national competitive advantage. Industries across all the sectors have been leveraging
technology to maximize their efficiency. The Innovation Council at SLC aims to imbibe students
with such knowledge to make them job oriented and help them build on their career.

A report on group discussion session organised by SLC innovation council in collaboration with ICFAI

On 7th November 2019, the SLC Innovation Council organised a group discussion and personal interview session, in collaboration with IBS college, Gurgaon and ICFAI. The event was organised for the students of second and third year. DR. Nidhi Tak was the spokeswoman for the event. Students actively participated in the event held at seminar hall of Shyam Lal College, Delhi University. The principal of the college, DR. Rabi Narayan Kar gave a speech and motivated students to participate in the event

DR. Nidhi Tak spoke actively of problem faced by students while appearing for group discussions and personal interviews. The event was summed up in a presentation created by the spokeswoman. The PowerPoint presentation included the main skill sets required to crack any GD-PI round. There were four major skills bought into light by her that every student agreed with. She began with communication skills and referred it to be the main skill required for the purpose. She went ahead and described communication skills as the ability to convey or share ideas and feelings effectively. She conducted a small activity to explain her point wherein she asked the students to fold a sheet of paper and tear its corners while there eyes were closed. Once the task was done every student came out with a different outcome and this filled students with amazement and made them ask questions. She went ahead and told students about body language and how it is a skill to be acquired. Students were taught the correct posture and etiquettes to be adopted while appearing for any GD-PI round. After that listening skills was raised up for discussion. She made students understand why listening skills were so important not only for GD's but also for life. The presentation was concluded with interpersonal skills and students were given a chance to ask questions. In order to further enhance students' understanding a mock group discussion round was held with 7 students. Students themselves volunteered to participate. An abstract topic was given to the students, "pink pyjamas on the red fort", that was quite difficult for students to crack. However, it amazed the people present to see how the student who initiated the GD cracked the topic within the two minute preparation time. The group discussion went well and the audience was asked to judge the participating students. All the positive and negative points were taken into concern and the students came to know about there strong and weak points.

The event was a great success and ended up giving students so much to think about. They even provided sample papers that were supposed to be attempted in the hall and then a link wherein students could appear for a mock IBSAT and win prizes. All in all the event was fruitful, filled with knowledge and fun as well. DR.Nidhi Tak was presented with a token of gratitude and the event ended.
Innovation Days, October 15, 2019
"Learning gives creativity, creativity leads to thinking, thinking leads to knowledge, knowledge makes you great".
Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
Innovation Day was organized by Innovation Council, SLC on 15th October 2019 to mark the
Birth Anniversary of Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam. The event was explicitly organized for school
students and we had participation of brilliant students from Gandhi Memorial Govt. Boys
School, Shahdara and also from Arwachin Bharti Bhawan Senior Secondary School.
The Highlight of this event were, The Poster Making Competition and the Slogan Writing Competition. SLC Principal, Prof. Rabi Narayan Kar and Innovation Council's Convenor, Dr. Kusha Tiwari, along with all the faculty members and organizers, were present to keep the memory of our Former President of India, Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, intact and also to keep the students motivated all through.
The students participated with avidity and came up with incredible ideas for both the competitions. We wish the students the best for their future endeavours.

List of Prize Winners of Innovation Councial Event
An innovative idea and a business proposal competition: InWin@SLC and Pitch-a-Thon, was organized by Innovation Council, SLC and E-Cell, SLC on 18th October 2019, A competition that drives innovation and access to markets.

The main goal of the competition was to stimulate and nourish creativity and student entrepreneurial spirit; encourage such activities among students from any majors and examine students' business ideas for their realization capacity.
This year, the event became one of the most successful one in the history of this tradition at SLC and we had incredible participants from some of the most renowned institutions across the country. The event started with Dr. Rabi Narayan Kar, the principal of the college, addressing and cheering the participants with his wisdom.

The competition was quite definite. Visualise Perfection Visualise Entrepreneurship as the cell's motto for this year was, the innovative minds encapsulated it with complete perfection. The teams participating were elated by the involvement of Dr. Kusha Tiwari, convenor of Innovation Council and Dr. Bharat Bhushan, convenor of Entrepreneurship Cell who kept them motivated all through. Working their way to the victory was the Team Bawarchi and the Team Aarogya, both from Enactus Ramjas. Their avidity and readiness turned their presentations into the very best. The second prize was won by 2 very innovative and ingenious teams, namely Team Brand Deviser and Team Kaagaj, both from Shyam Lal College itself. The Team Sacred Games from IIM Rohtak was able to secure the third prize. All the participants of the competition were awarded business and entrepreneurship themed books as the consolation prize.
Team E-Cell SLC handled proficiently all the different details of the competition ranging from sponsorships and registrations to decoration and prizes.
This was the very first Innovative Idea and B-Plan competition organized by Innovation Council SLC since its inception and has helped many students to bring their ideas and plans to table to work upon.

Report of Mentoring Session Organized by MHRD Innovation Cell

MHRD Innovation Cell (MIC), an initiative of Ministry of Human Resource Department at All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), launched the Institutions Innovation Council (IICs) in the November of 2018 and since then more than 950 Higher Education Institutions have established IIC in their campus to drive innovation and start-up ecosystem.
MIC organized a POCs Participation and Regional Mentoring Session in a total of 12 cities of India, with the U.P. Uttarakhand and Delhi regions' one being organized by the NetajiSubhash University is Technology (NSUT), Dwarka, New Delhi.
6 students of ShyamLal College with their 4 of the most promising startup ideas, namely Sajagta, Steam Power generator, Infollege, and Abhikalpana, attended the session under the supervision of Mr. Sushil Kumar.
The event started with the inauguration and welcome by the various dignitaries from NSUT, MHRD IIC, and AICTE. Mr. Deepak Sahu, the National Coordinator of AICTE, then accentuated the ingenuity one needs to have to be a successful entrepreneur. The visiting teams
were then tutored during two sessions on Ideation, Venture Opportunity Profiling, elements of a successful business model, introduction to Business Model Canvas and development of POC and its pitching.
All the ideators participating were then allotted some time to develop their idea's Business Model canvas and also prepare their pitching to showcase in the presence of the mentors. All four teams performed brilliantly by drawing a Business Model Canvas in a short period and presented it with enthusiasm.

Interdisciplinary Student Projects, September, 2018

S.No | Date | Topic |
1 | 28th of April, 2020 | National Innovation and Start-up Policy for Students and Faculty 2019 |
2 | 28th of April, 2020 | Role and Importance of Pre-Incubators, Incubators and Accelerators in HEIs. |
3 | 30th of April, 2020 | Hangout with Emerging Innovator & Entrepreneurs Supported through MIC & AICTE |
4 | 1st of May, 2020 | Role of Network Enablers in driving I&E in HEIs - A Case of TiE, India |
5 | 4th of May, 2020 | Role of Network Enablers in driving I&E in HEIs - A Case of TiE, India |
6 | 5th of May, 2020 | Entrepreneurship, Business Idea and Business Model Canvas (by EDII) |
7 | 6th of May, 2020 | How to Identify Right Problem and Solution using the Double Diamond Approach in Design |
8 | 7th of May, 2020 | Intellectual Property (IP) Management at Early Stage of Innovation and Start-ups |
9 | 8th of May, 2020 | Understanding Angel and Venture Capital Funding |
10 | 12th of May, 2020 | Legal and Ethical Steps- Productive Entrepreneurship and Start-Up |
11 | 13th of May, 2020 | Innovating Self- Screen and Identify right opportunities |
12 | 14th of May, 2020 | Understanding Role and Application of Marketing Research at Idea to Start-Up Stage |
13 | 15th of May, 2020 | Innovation Risk Diagnostic- Product Innovation Rubric (PIR) |
14 | 19th of May, 2020 | Idea, business model and business plan |
15 | 20th of May, 2020 | Use of Market Data, Application of Marketing Research Tools & Methodology -Advance Level |
16 | 21st of May, 2020 | Frugal Innovations and Social Entrepreneurship |